Sunday, July 17, 2022

Sunday With Blackthorn - Today We Discuss Another Idiot Who Feels The Need To Tell People That Shotguns Are Not Good For Home Defense

 It's amazing to me how many people have this uncontrollable urge to spout their personal opinions as immutable facts of life. Especially where it concerns what firearms people want to use for defense. If you're out and about obviously long guns are not likely to be your first choice if you live in any sort of an Urban or Suburban area. 

Nobody wants to go to Home Depot, the Bagel store or the local Pharmacy with a rifle or shotgun over their shoulders. While there are places where you can legally do that, they really don't constitute the norm.

If you live in an area whee your nearest neighbor  is to be found "down the road a piece",  a rifle of the semi-auto, bolt, or lever action type would also be a reasonable choice. 

But if your particular interest is for the heaviest artillery that you can get, especially if you live in area where semi-auto rifles and handguns are frowned upon, the shotgun is always a reliable choice.

Buckshot, slugs, semi-auto, pump, double barrel, (even short barrels & pistols grips or folding stocks if they're legal in your area) provide a wide range of options for a homeowner.

Now after having stated my case, I give you Mr. BillyGoat beard rehashing all the tired, worn out tropes about the downsides of the Shotgun. Now make sure that after you watch the video, that you read through the comments. 

They are far more descriptive and colorful than the yada-yada crap coming from the dude who made the video.

And, as always, don't forget to click on the video and watch it full size on Youtube.



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