Thursday, February 29, 2024

A Commentary On The Last Blog Post

This is from our fellow Blog member Steve Forester. It's his thoughts on how your concept of Personal Protection needs to change as you get older.


I think the videos from yesterdays Blog post brings up some very interesting points.

First, is what is self defense?

Today, that is equal to MMA. Meaning "fighting".

Think about that. Everyone is all ready to "get in someone's one face" today. To talk trash and put someone down. Be a "bad ass".

Well, no. That is NOT my definition of self defense.,

My definition is to simply to protect yourself and your loved ones from harm.

A BIG difference and for those who can't see the distinction, well need to work on that some more.

One of the biggest things I have learned over the last seven years of studying this stuff full time is "self defense" is NOT about winning - it is just about NOT LOSING. A huge difference!

Today everything is is all about WINNING. I think the popularity of MMA and the UFC is based on this. Everyone wants to the the winner. The absolute bad ass who can kick anyone ass.

Well, Good luck with that. As John Benner said 20 years ago: "It is hard to wear that big  "S" (Superman) on your chest".

To me, a more realistic approach is to accept reality.

What if you are sick? You got the flu. Sick as a dog. Can we call time out and say we are sick?

How about injured? I've had injuries and in the back of my mind I thought I get a pass because I am injured. Surely the bad guys can't expect me to defend myself when injured.

Well, reality shock, predators attack the old, the weak, and the sick.

Real life has no rules. If sick, or a shoulder injury, that just means you are easier prey.

And, as Carl said, even if you are the "King Hell Stud Muffin" today, doesn't mean you will be tomorrow. I have seen this. Guys that were almost indestructible brought to their knees by that grim reaper: Old Age and/or disease.

I know I guy in his 30's that was King Of The Gym. At age 50, he got cancer and was a shell of his former self.

Young guys that think this will never happen to them - well good luck. I never thought it would happen to me either.

What does work?

Here is what I believe.

If your self defense doesn't work when old, injured, or sick, then it is not really self-defense. Because that is precisely when you will be attacked.

The video outlines what we need to do in these situations:

1. Try to avoid situations whenever possible. You may think it is your God given right to use that poorly lit ATM at 2am, but you are putting yourself in harms way.

2. Use self defense weapons to make up for the physical difference.

One thing I carry is pepper spray. I think this is one of the most underrated products on the market. A distance weapon that is legal everywhere and is a distraction device at a minimum.

Yeah, it might not bring the person to their knees begging for mercy. But we don't need that. We just need to break contact and escape. Or transition to a better weapon.

Never underestimate the male ego. I have trained with some of the best in the business who can't get beyond their ego. Who think they are total bad asses at age 60 or 70.

We are not. Just get over it, accept your limitations, and change your game plan to suit your abilities.

Simple as that!   



Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Sunday With Blackthorn - Today David James Continues With Strikes To Vital Targets

Continuing with yesterdays post about how to deliver your strikes to an assailants vital targets, David James shows how to Get to the Eyes.

So Pay Attention!! 

Saturday, February 24, 2024

David James Says......PAY ATTENTION!

 We all know about hitting vital targets on an attacker. Eyes, neck, solar plexus, etc. It's a good strategy, especially if you're physically smaller or weaker than the person trying to hurt you. But most of the time it's a concept that's easier said than done. Today, David James of Vee Arnis Jitsu shows you how to open up one of those target areas in order to get to it.

So, Pay Attention! 


Friday, February 23, 2024

Another Carl Cestari Classic - Judo Nagewaza For Self Defense

 “ Judo Nagewaza (Throwing Technique) in the Street. ”

by Carl Cestari

How practical are throwing techniques (nagewaza) for self-defense or street-fighting?


The Japanese themselves have a saying, "One year for newaza (ground technique),
TEN YEARS for nagewaza (Throwing technique)". It takes ten times as long to
become proficient at throwing than it does at ground fighting.

Trying to throw a fully resisting, fighting adversary and pulling off a "clean" throw

People will INSTINCTIVELY grab, seize, claw and otherwise do all sorts of "spoiling"
maneuvers when one attempts to execute a "throw".

In all of the fights I have seen, I can recall ONLY three instances where one guy was able
to pull off a clean solid throw. And this person was practicing Judo on an almost DAILY

I've seen throws used in other situations but quite honestly they got the person into
MORE TROUBLE than it was worth.

I will cite three classic examples of what it takes to become "skilled" enough to even
attempt Nagewaza in a real street fight.

1. Masahiko ’Judo" Kimura TRAINED upwards of NINE hours a DAY!

He did thousands of repetitions of Uchikomi (fitting in) to develop just a COUPLE of
reliable Nagewaza (Seoi Nage (Should throw) & O Soto Gari (Big leg reap)). Reading
Kimura's biography you will note that in his street fights and "vale tudo" matches as well,
when he faced skilled boxers his reliance on Nage was still an "iffy" proposition.

Make no mistake..


2. Famed Judo legend Yamashita (explained at his recent seminar that it took
THOUSANDS of repetitions of uchikomi AND the brutal three man drills to BEGIN to
develop the skill to effectively employ throwing techniques.

3. And last but certainly not least is Yonezuka who ADVOCATES the use of
ASHIBARAI (foot sweep) without GRABBING as the BEST overall and SAFEST (for
you) method of slamming someone on their ass.

The other thing that pisses me off is the idea that JUJUTSU throws are somehow
BETTER than JUDO throws for real combat. BULLSHIT. The only REAL difference
between Judo and Jujutsu nagewaza is generally the manner of seizing the opponent.
HOWEVER, a judoka can do this just as EASILY. But moreover, JUDO nage are
PROVEN to be effective in REAL ADVERSARIAL COMPETITIONS. Sure you can
talk about the old Jujutsu styles employing joint locks and strangleholds in conjunction
with throwing BUT again, JUDO methods have been evolving in a far MORE real arena.

I have NEVER seen a Jujutsuka "pull off' any NAGEWAZA against even neophyte

And in a REAL street fight some of the NONSENSE that these people banter on about
concerning the "COMBAT" application of these throws will get you FUCKING

The nonsense they preach on about SOUNDS "cool" but will FAIL in the REAL
unscripted world.

Almost ANY attempt at REALLY slamming someone will invariably find BOTH of you
on the ground. Hopefully, but CERTAINLY NOT ALWAYS, with you on top, then the
light goes ON. Against more than ONE opponent you HAVE BIG PROBLEMS!

Also consider the TACTICAL problems with KNOWINGLY turning your BACK into an
ENEMY! And ANY one-legged type throw, i.e., Hane-goshi (Hip spring throw)/Harai-
goshi (Loin throw)/0 guruma (Big Outer Wheel) /Uchimata (Inner Thigh Throw) will
INSURE that you BOTH hit the DECK.

The BEST methods I have seen and practiced for actually USING throwing techniques in
self-protection came from Bruce Tegner. His concept of seizing the upper arms or
shoulders with both hands and then GOING TO WORK on the opponents legs with a
BARRAGE of LOW HARD KICKS and THEN executing a throw is the ONLY
approach that seems to have validity and is viable. AND that approach is what REAL
kuzushi is all about.

Another topic loaded with BULLSHIT. KUZUSHI is NOT a subtle maneuvering to
"break balance" in THE REAL WORLD nor is it evident in almost ANY real Randori or
Shiai. MORE esoteric fantasy crap. If I want to "break your balance" I'll do it by

Lastly, DON'T believe the BULLSHIT about Judo throws "being SAFE" for the
opponent. HORSESHIT! With SUFFICIENT practice you can "land" a guy on his
HEAD, NECK or shoulder.

What makes Judo throws SEEM safe is the practice of UKEMI, the use of TATAMI mats and the LACK of intent in FUCKING up your training partner.

Check out Koizumi's book on throws. He explains very well how a Dojo "safe" throw can
be executed on the STREET with devastating results by a simple change in the direction
of the "pull" done by the hands and wrists.

Instead of "heaving" your man over and directing him INTO a breakfall, you JUST pull
STRAIGHT down and DRIVE him head first into the ground.

The DOERS KNOW the difference between real and chickenshit. The pontificators
present ONLY a "shell" that has NO REAL SUBSTANCE, just "warrior fantasy appeal".
They are blinded by their own BULLSHIT.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Wheelgun Wednesday At The Blog - Today We Have An Article About The Finer Points of The K and L frame Smith & Wesson Revolvers


When it comes to Concealed Carry Snubnose revolvers, the Ubiquitous J Frames get all the attention. Today Greg Ellifritz, of Active Response Training, gives us a look athe pros and cons of their big brothers.


Sunday, February 18, 2024

Sunday With Blackthorn - Today David James Explains The Difference Bewtween 'Self Defense' And 'Self Offense"

 He uses a knife assault as the example, but the concept/mindset is applicable to any close combat type attack. 

And, as always.....

 Pay Attention!!


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Wheelgun Wednesday At The Blog - How To Reload Your Wheelgun

This article compares two methods of reloading your revolver. Both pros and cons are discussed. Link found by another one of our Blog followers.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Sunday With Blackthorn - Today David James Disusses Headlock Defenses - Plus Today Blackthorn Explains The Meaning Of Life To You

 Some of which I've seen demonstrated by my former Instructors Carl , Ralph, and Clint. And I know some of you have seen them as well. However the stats show that the majority of people who look at this blog have never met let alone trained with them, so for them I present this video from David James.



Life Explained 

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Sunday With Blackthorn - Today David James Discusses The PHD You Need For Surviving Street Violence

 I'm sure a lot of guys don't who David James is.  The short version is that he was the No. 1 Student mentored by Florendo Visitacion. Otherwise known as Prof. Vee. FGor quick look at his history, go here;

After Prof. Vee died, his system was carried on by David James. Mr. James was born and raised in Brooklyn NY, and has a no bullshit understanding of what can happen to good people when they run into bad people in the real world.

My old instructor Carl Cestari liked James's material, especially the mindset he had. So as Mr. James Says: PAY ATTENTION!!


Friday, February 2, 2024

Things To Ponder On A Rainy Friday...

 Well, it's raining by me anyway.


  So now cocaine is legal in Oregon, but straws aren’t.  That must be frustrating....
Still trying to get my head around the fact that ‘Take Out’ can mean food, dating, or murder.
Threw out my back sleeping and tweaked my neck sneezing so I’m probably just one strong fart away from complete paralysis.
The older I get, the more I understand why roosters scream to start their day.
Being popular on Facebook is like sitting at the ‘cool table’ in the cafeteria of a mental hospital.
You know you’re over 50 when you have ‘upstairs ibuprofen’ and ‘downstairs ibuprofen’.
How did doctors come to the conclusion that exercise prolongs life, when… the rabbit is always jumping but only lives for around two years, and… the turtle that doesn’t exercise at all lives over  200 years.
If only vegetables smelled as good as bacon.
The biggest joke on mankind is that computers have begun asking humans to prove they aren’t a robot.
When a kid says “Daddy, I want mommy” that’s the kid version of “I’d like to speak to your supervisor”.
It’s weird being the same age as old people.
Just once, I want a username and password prompt to respond CLOSE ENOUGH.
If Adam and Eve were Cajuns they would have eaten the snake instead of the apple and saved us all a lot of trouble.
We celebrated last night with a couple of adult beverages …… Metamucil and Ensure.
You know you are getting old when friends with benefits means knowing someone who can drive at night.
Weight loss goal: To be able to clip my toenails and breathe at the same time.
After watching how some people wore their masks, I understand why contraception fails.
Some of my friends exercise every day. Meanwhile I am watching a show I don’t like because the remote fell on the floor.
For those of you that don’t want Alexa or Siri listening in on your conversation, they are making a male version…. it doesn’t listen to anything.
I just got a present labeled, ‘From Mom and Dad,’ and I know damn well that Dad has no idea what’s inside.
Now that Covid has everyone washing their hands correctly…next week…Turn Signals.
Someone said, “Nothing rhymes with orange.”  I said, “No, it doesn’t.”
The pessimist complains about the wind.  The optimist expects it to change.  The realist adjusts his sails.
There’s a fine line between a numerator and a denominator. Only a fraction of people will find this funny.
I have many hidden talents. I just wish I could remember where I hid them.
My idea of a Super Bowl is a toilet that cleans itself.
Exercise helps you with decision-making. It’s true. I went for a run this morning and decided I’m never going again.