Sunday, September 25, 2022

Sunday With Blackthorn - Today We Discuss The Ruger LC Carbine in FN 5.7x28mm

 Today;s video review comes to us from Paul Harrell. I hadn't really paid much attention to the Ruger LC when it came out. I also pretty much ignored the FN 5.7 x 28mm cartridge when it was introduced and promoted to the civilian market about 5 or 6 years ago. Originally introduced back in the early 1990's as a military round, it was to a large extent the round of choice in the PDW concept (Personal Defense Weapon). 

I won't go into a long discussion of the history of the round myself. For those interested you can go to the Wikipedia link below.


As for the Ruger LC Carbine, I couldn't help but notice the similarity in design between the Ruger LC;


And the Kel-Tec SUB 2000 9mm Carbine;


Now I know most of you, and to a degree myself included, have a pretty low opinion of Kel-Tec products. But to be fair, if you look at Kel-Tec objectively, they do come up with good, innovative ideas and concepts.

The problem however always seem to be in the execution and production of those products. 

But I'm not putting up this Blog Post to Bash Kel-Tec, so let's move on.

It's here to enlighten and entertain you with another scintillating and witty review by Paul Harrell. So grab a cup of coffee or your adult beverage of choice, sitback and hit the play icon on your PC.

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