Friday, October 5, 2018

Another Reason Combatives Get A Bad Name

Once again, Christophe Clugston, the "Einstein" of the Combatives world provides more fodder for the MMA crowd to bash Combatives instructors. I've discussed Mr. Comrhac Bas, oh excuse me, it's Mr. Combat-Judo these days, in an earlier Blog Post;

Why Combatives Gets A Bad Reputation

Now, as if that Youtube video wasn't telling enough, Mr. Clugston has added to his reputation by showing that not only is he an embarrassment to the Combatives field, but also to the mathematics world.

How so you ask? Allow me to explain.

At his Combat-Judo site he has an attached Blog. At this Blog he has an article entitled "In the USA alone there is a murder every 60 seconds–yes, every minute someone is killed."

Okay, now being a person whose line of work involved the use of math every day I thought that his number seemed a little out of whack. So I did the math myself.

1 murder per minute x 60 min = 60 murders per hour.
60 murders per hour x 24 hrs = 1440 murders per day.
1440 murders per day x 365 days = 525,600 murders per year.

Now 525,600 murders per year sounded just a bit on the high side to me, ahem. So I did a quick search and found
that for the last full year that the FBI had issued it's final numbers (2016) the actual number of Homicides was 17,250.

Now I understand that a little bit of hype is to be expected in most business endeavors, but seriously WTF???

Now don't take my word for it people, just go here;

So remember people, Chris Clugston is a a man whose Combatives skills are exceeded only by his Mathematical abilities!

Oh yeah............

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