Monday, August 13, 2018

The Essentials of a Well Rounded Combatives System - Part One

A lot has been said about Combatives over the years about the fact it's not complete. You will hear comments such as; "what do you do if you can't pre-empt?" "There is no grappling/ground game." People have misquoted the late Carl Cestari as saying "never go to the ground" when what he actually said was "don't intentionally or willingly go to the ground if you can avoid doing so" and "if you do wind up on the ground, attempt to disengage and get back up as soon as you can"

Below is an article/template by Carl Cestari of what Close Combat is and/or should be.

Copyright @ Carl Cestari

REALLY being able to FIGHT with "Close Combat" techniques means exactly THAT..................BEING ABLE TO FIGHT!

So what "standard" can be used to develop the mandated attacks and methods?

Can we agree on this: The ability to attack the enemy with a BARRAGE of HARD, FAST, DAMAGING blows and kicks that can be USED convulsively, instinctively and that attack ALL body areas and from any and ALL varied angles while combined with evasive body shifting and footwork. Accuracy is also important, BUT blows that can DAMAGE almost ANY part of the body are to be preferred over those that NEED specific targeting.

If we agree on the above as our "template" of effective fighting methods, what methods fit the bill best?

PUNCHING: Fist blows that can be straight, overhand, hooking and uppercuts. These blows can be thrown from anywhere and in any angle of trajectory. They can be thrown in a BARRAGE of combinations and can be aimed at many body areas. Proper strengthening and conditioning (which should be DONE anyway) can turn the FISTS into VERY POTENT STRIKING TOOLS.

Punching meets the above criteria.

EDGE OF HAND BLOWS: Again these can be USED anywhere on the BODY & LIMBS with damaging effect. They can be used in any manner needed, hence the Chinese term "Thousand Hand Blow". The Edge of Hand is very hard to injure even when struck against bone. Hatchet like blows can be delivered from a variety of angles and targeted almost ANYWHERE on the body.

Edge of Hand meets the above criteria.

ELBOW JABS & SMASHES: The elbow ALSO can be used in a WIDE variety of attacks. It can jab, smash, hook, back smash, drop, rise etc. It can be devastating to almost ANY part of the body. It can be used with speed and pop or driven in with two hands reinforcing, smashing and crushing. VERY difficult to defend against and virtually the BEST weapon for in-close work.

Elbows meet the above criteria.

LOWER BODY ATTACKS: These THREE are the primary ones to TRAIN and used MOST effectively as stated above -

1. KNEE - Can be used as an UPWARD smash, a DIRECT INWARD thrust, in a roundhouse or hooking manner, and in a "dropping" single and double crushing attack to a downed enemy. Knees can be DEVASTATING to almost ANY body area.

2. THE FRONT KICK - Using the ball, toe, or instep of the boot. Can be directed from the shins to the head (depending on position of enemy). Its simple, easily trained and instinctive. With heavy footwear this kick is a KILLER. It can damage shins, kneecaps, testicles, and other bones (pubic/ribs/sternum).

3. THE STOMP - Using the heel of the boot this stomping kick is a "natural". It can be employed to an assailant in front, to the side, or to the rear. It can be used close in when grappling or used unexpectedly from a distance.

So there is the "FIGHTING SYSTEM" out line. The punch, the edge of hand, the elbow, the knee, the front kick, the stomp. SIX methods that I would train and use in a real FIGHT, NOT a pre-emptive "sneak" attack or other first strike scenarios, but in a REAL tooth and claw FIGHT.

The other mainstays are GREAT for when they CAN be used. But they are LIMITED to specific scenarios and specific TARGETS!


FIVE chokeholds/strangles.
FOUR specific head twist takedowns
FIVE throwing/takedown methods.
SEVEN arm-bar/joint breaks.

That's the CORE system for REAL FIGHTING. Six upper and lower body striking and kicking methods and twenty-one combat grappling methods. Everything else - clawing, gouging, crushing, ripping, butting and biting are ancillary to the core system. The other attacks like the tigers claw, chin-jab, ear box, rock crusher, cradle blow, etc. are SPECIFIC methods of attack that are limited in use by the NATURE of their method. These methods of attack can be used as THE OPPORTUNITY presents itself. The FIGHTING methods can be used whenever YOU want to use them.

An example: To effectively USE the "chin-jab" your enemy must "give" you a clear and unimpeded "path" to the point of his chin. However, if I just start SMASHING at him with multiple hard driving elbow blows I don't give a damn what he does or what's "open" he's going to be in a world of shit from jump street. See the difference?

Does this make sense?

Fighting an ACTIVELY aggressive enemy will require DIFFERENT tactics and methods as opposed to ATTACKING an enemy PRIOR to full-blown practice FIGHTING.

BOTH approaches need to be studied thoroughly, understood fully and PRACTICED to the point of INSTINCT.

OVER emphasis on the pre-emptive OR on the active FIGHT will render you woefully lacking when the other method is mandated.


Just like I preach about GUNFIGHTING...There is the REACTIVE and the PROACTIVE. Either YOU start the shit or the other bastard starts the SHIT. Each requires different SKILLS, and if you plan to SURVIVE you had BETTER understand BOTH and be able to DEAL with BOTH!

This line of strategy and tactics applies to ANY weapon, as well as to unarmed combat.

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