Sunday, August 5, 2018

Attempted Assaination by Drone in Venezuela

Unfortunately the attempt to rid the country of Maduro didn't succeed. Multiple drones carrying explosives were involved, and several soldiers were injured, but the 'drone swarm' wasn't large enough. It does however represent a big step in ramping up a more sophisticated level of resistance to the government down there.

There is no report about the type of drones used, but my best guess would be that we're talking about commercially available drones that can be purchased on the open market. Maybe next time (and you can be sure that there will be a next time)the opposition will have learned from this failure and made adjustments that will provide a more successful outcome.

Venezuelan Security Forces responded by means of cracking down on the local population (ie: the usual suspects) they also leveled accusations against their neighbor Columbia for harboring anti-Maduro rebels.

You guys who follow my blog all know that I've been talking for years now about how small, inexpensive easily obtainable drones were going to change not just large scale warfare and Law Enforcement, but low level guerilla tactics as well.

And with the technological genie out of the bag at this point, there won't be too much that can be done about it.

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