Wednesday, November 27, 2024

So Today Is Neither Wheelgun Wednesday or Workout Wednesday...But It's Still Some Practical Training Info

 I've been complaining for years now that firearms, unarmed combat and fitness training are great and necessary. However there are other aspects of being prepared for bad situations. For those of you who remember, I put up a 5 part series on Emergency Trauma Care a few years ago.

Well today we have an article from Offgrid magazine about another aspect of  emergency wound care. Some parts would actually require some specific, structured training and certification to perform. However there is enough information that can be used to provide you with the ability to stabilize an injured party until Emergency Services arrive. I hope all of you can get something from the article.

  How to Treat Penetrating Chest Wounds

by Joe Alton M.Dcopyright@Offgrid Magazine


When you think about lung damage, you might think about pneumonia, but not all damage to the lungs and chest is related to inflammation due to infections. Trauma is also a possibility, especially for those of us who venture off the grid for activities such as hunting, hiking, or mountain biking. In austere settings, a family medic may have to deal with injuries that can sometimes be lethal without immediate intervention. Penetrating chest wounds often fall into this category.

WARNING: Although the steps to performing needle decompression and chest tubes are explained in this article, be aware that these procedures are not always successful, even in the hands of trained medical personnel. If performed incorrectly, they can cause severe injury or death, and certain states do not waive liability for complications under “Good Samaritan” laws. Always stay within your level of training and seek professional medical help as soon as possible.

            To Read The Rest Of This Article, Click On The Link Below,C55M,71VP4O,1TS7O,1


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