Sunday, May 14, 2023

Sunday With Blackthorn - Today Chris Baker Discusses Point Shooting vs Aimed Fire

 Oh boy, the old debate. I don't necessarily agree with all his opinions, but unlike so many gurus telling us never to use Point Shooting, and others telling us not to waste your time with Aimed Fire, he calmly makes his points for both. 

The method he shows (through most of the video) looks like the Appplegate method done with two hands instead of one.  However there is one sequence showing the One-Handed 1/2 (or 3/4) Hip shooting stance. 

In any event, as I've mentioned before, I try to keep the Blog relevant to people  who haven't spent years or more on various aspects of self defense. This is why the material I put up is sometimes not quite what you regulars expect. Believe it or not, the number of page-views I get is not reflective of the number of you guys that have been around here for years now. 

So give the video a look, and I hope you don't think it's too bad. 

Oh, and on another note, allow me to apologize for the mention, between the 7:20 and 7:30 marks, of two  'unmentionable persons'  whose names shall not be uttered.


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