Tuesday, May 12, 2020

On The Subject Of Spending Money On Self Defense Tools

"Let us bring sense to the world of personal protection.
There is a place for artistry. No matter what, some things will cost a lot of money. Guns and medical gear come to mind there.
I have saved my pennies to buy beautiful, hand made tools, because I like them and the makers need to be supported.
But, if you are involved in teaching and sharing personal protection, you need to realize that "regular people" will not spend $1100 for a fixed blade, over $100 for a sap or knuckles.
And we need to let them know they don't need to, and that there are alternatives.
There are still a couple custom knives I would love to have.
But, a $45 Chinese fixed blade will still save my ass if needed.
That is what Warfare Welfare means."

Terry Trahan - Dec 2019 


"Only Suckers Pay Wholesale"

Joe Blackthorn - Every day since 2005

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