Thursday, January 2, 2020

Blackthorns Scotus Watch

This is the latest update on the case that's been working its way through the courts for over a year now. Since the handgun regulation here in NYC that was the crux of the case has since been rescinded by NYC, the group that brought the Civil Rights case (New York State Rifle and Pistol Association), there is still pushing a SCOTUS decision to keep them (NYC) from reinstating the law a few years down the line.
The City has tried to have the case declared Moot seeing as how the challenged regulation has been removed. What the city is worried about is a floodgate of other legal challenges to regulations and laws of what I will refer to as " legally questionable". This first hearing will decide whether the current lawsuit goes forward or not. In any event, the fact that they caved on the handgun law in question indicates that the last thing they want is any legal precedent that will cause any more of their restrictions to fall.

Interesting times indeed.

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