Saturday, December 28, 2019

Opposing Viewpoints On The "2nd Ammendment Sanctuary Cities/Counties" Movement In Virginia

It will certainly be interesting to see how this plays out next year and whether the State Legislature will actually enact all the Gun Restrictions they are proposing or whether this pre-emptive resistance will cause them to reconsider any of what they are proposing. Additionally, one of the proposals about restricting magazine capacity could be come Moot if, or more likely when, the current Civil Rights case winding it's way through the California Federal courts make it to SCOTUS. Considering the current make-up of SCOTUS at this time, I believe things will not go well for the California State Attorney Generals Office.

If the decision in Duncan vs Berrera is against Cailfornias latest magazine restriction ban goes against the state, every magazine ban in the country will fall by default. This case has the potential to be as big as Heller.

I believe 2020 will be an interesting year for Gun Rights in 21st century America.

First, the Pro-Sanctuary Current situation;

Now, the opinion of the Virginia State Attorney General;

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