Thursday, May 2, 2019

Self Defense and Martial Arts - Advertisements and The Instructors Who Promote Them

The following write-up from Steve Forester, who has written here on my Blog before. This time, an entertaining look at the wonderful world of Martial Arts/Self Defense marketing.

And remember, you can't make this shit up!

Typical Martial Arts Ads
by Steve Forester

I review almost everything out there on unarmed, martial arts, shooting, tactics, etc. As a result, I get on a LOT of mailing lists. After awhile, you start seeing patterns to these ads.

While I know most of you guys know this already, and are way too savvy to fall for the hype 8-) , I thought I'd make some comments for posterity. That and I get bored. My comments concern the bolded areas (my emphasis) in the ad at the bottom.

COMMENT #1: The initial hook to get your interest. "When you can't get your gun". Obviously directed to concealed carry people who worry about what to is if the gun isn't the answer.

COMMENT #2: The outrageous claim. "Easily defeat bigger, stronger, attackers using the "secret's contained in the program. Notice the repeated use of the work "secret". This is usually right after the initial hook.

COMMENT #3: Establishing creditability. The vague reference to "special forces", and teaching "government agencies". This usually means an individual from the agency listed took a lesson or two sometime in the past.

COMMENT #4: The "teasers". These come toward the middle of the ad. Their purpose is to peak your interest and make you think, "I need this". Examples: "How to "intercept" a punch or attack even before it is launched". "The one range you need to know in fighting...". "Learn about the "flow". Almost every ad of this type will contain these. Standard martial arts marketing technique.

COMMENT #5: Then, we get to the real hook": "it's free". Well, not really because there is a "shipping and handling charge". How much S&H is there for streaming video. The S&H covers all the cost so not really free. BTW, there will always be a, "limited number of these at this price, so act now".

COMMENT #6: The "Free Bonuses" always come at the end in case anyone is on the fence about buying and needs any additional encouragement. "Wow! Free Stuff". "This is a deal". "OK, then".

COMMENT #7. Now comes the real money maker (for them - not you). When you click to agree to this great "free" deal, you discover it will always take you to a page with a "special offer". It will say things like: "today only". "Once you close this window, you will never ever have this opportunity again". Often there is a count-down clock at the top to make you think you only have the time left on the counter to purchase.

The special offers (usually more than one) will all have two things in common. One, is they will offer more information on the subject that will be absolutely essential, must have, stuff. The second aspect is the product will always be full price. The entire initial "free deal" ad is, itself, only a hook to get you to the real product, which will be more like $39.95".

There will ALWAYS be at least one "special deal" offered when you agree to the "free deal". Expect it. Remember, nothing is free. People do not pay for advertising in order to give you free stuff so they can feel good about themselves. There will always be a catch.

The humorous thing about the special deals is the button to purchase will be huge and in color, while the decline button will need a microscope to read. It will also usually say something like, "I am passing on this great deal so I guess I must know it all, and I am too stupid to recognize a great product when I see it".

One last thing, if you like DVD's and are expecting to purchase a DVD, make sure it actually says that. Many ads will picture a DVD, but is actually an on-line video. Same with a "paper" manual. Read closely!

Now, here is the thing. Almost all ads for the things we are interested in here will fall into this category. Some might actually be good. Some not. It's up to the buyer to evaluate if this is information worth having, or is just an emotional reaction to the hype.

I recently purchased a product on home defense using this type of marketing that was actually pretty good. I was looking for information on designing a home defense plan and not just reacting to emotional hype. Also, I carefully evaluated the information offered to see if of benefit, which it was.

So, these type of ads are not always bad, but one should understand how they work, and only buy what you need, and not buy based on emotions.

Here is the ad I received today that is a good example of the typical ad. I think it pretty much falls into the "emotional hype" category, but hey, if looking for on-line JKD instruction, go for it! P-)



Many don't know that besides his string of movies, Bruce Lee left behind a secret fighting art of Jeet Kune Do (JKD) which has impacted everything from today's MMA world to brutal techniques that today's special ops use.

And although I carry almost everyday, there could be those dangerous situations I can’t get to, lose or “legally” it isn’t the best to pull my gun. That is why you need this tactical defense system.

>>> CLICK HERE to get Bruce Lee’s JKD street fighting secrets program for FREE <<<

My name is Sifu (Name Removed), and I am one of only a handful of Fully Certified Senior Jeet Kune Do Instructors - in the world!

I have taught the US Army, Navy, Air Marshals and ATF among numerous other government agencies, Bruce Lee's secrets – and now you can have them too!

I have collected some of Bruce Lee's elite fighting secrets onto 3 DVDs covering:

* How to "intercept" a punch or attack even before it is launched

* The one range you need to know in fighting, in order to fight outside your size and skill class!

*Why street and MMA ground fighting is different, and how you can learn how to beat anyone on the ground

* The one weapon's secret which will put you decades ahead of weapon's masters

* How to defend yourself against TWO OR MORE attackers with a simple 3-step strategy

* Learn about the "flow", and why this discovery is the key to "BEING LIKE WATER" as Bruce used to say

Much, much more!

CLICK HERE to get Bruce Lee’s JKD street fighting secrets program for FREE

I will send you them for free, as long as you pick up the shipping and handling. If you do it now, I will throw in THREE other FREE bonuses.

Click below to find out more, read about the bonuses and order one of the 100 sets I have to give away:

CLICK HERE to get Bruce Lee’s JKD street fighting secrets program for FREE


Sifu (Name Removed), M.A.

PS: The bonuses include another full hour DVD of the top 10 moves from Jeet Kune Do, a 160+ page manual I wrote and more! All for FREE! Do not miss this opportunity!

CLICK HERE to get Bruce Lee’s JKD street fighting secrets program for FREE

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