Saturday, April 6, 2019

The End Of An Era

Call it 'Location X', call it 'The Undisclosed Location In New Jersey", whatever you want. To those of us who worked out there, sweated there, left there banged up with bruises, cuts, sprains and strains, it was 'The Dungeon"

No Medieval torture racks, just a Basement in a building that had a foundation made of some extremely large granite stones rather than poured concrete that looked like the inside of an old castle.

Thin rubber matting on the floor that just barely took some of the impact out of your being thrown or tripped to the floor, a couple of BOB training Dummies, a few heavy bags and the Makiwara Wall. That particular device to include the padded man-shaped makiwara with the spring loaded head that worked like a Rockum-Sockum robot.

Originally used by Carl Cestari in the 80's/90's, and then brought back into use in the early 2000's by Ralph G. and Clint S., dozens of students trained in multiple aspects of self-defense and Combatives.

However as of this week, 'The Dungeon' is no more. The equipment is gone, and the space empty.

But to people like myself, Patrick, Frank, Robbie, Dick, Chuck, Jack, Mike, John, Jim, Art, Lester, Hal, and a list of others too long to put down here, the memories of the training, the joking, the camaraderie, and skills acquired will remain with everyone who ever trained there.

Good Times!

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