Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Things Are Heating Up In Detroit

With the city budget cut to shreds, the economy barely hanging in there, and whole neighborhoods being slated for demolition (because a there are almost no residents in certain areas) to save money on providing services, justifiable Self Defense is on the rise.

The Police are no doubt embarrassed about response times that are unbelievably long, but the courts have apparently decided to let the citizens take care of themselves.Please notice I said 'citizens', not 'civilians'. I have to be honest and admit that I have come to have a truly low opinion of cops (aka: CIVILIAN Law Enforcement) who think of themselves as the military and refer to us as 'civilians'.

The number of Justifiable Self Defense homicides have gone from 19 in 2010, to 34 in 2011.

There may be some hope for the remaining citizens in what was once a thriving American city that has fallen on hard times akin to something in a bad movie.


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