Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Threat Israel Didn't See Coming **PLUS** Another Follow-Up To My Max Velocity Blog Post

 The Article linked to below is from the Associated press News Service by way of US News And World Report. If you've followed my Blog over the years, you know  I was talking about the impact Drones would have on modern warfare. The current war between the Ukraine and Russia has advanced the varied usage of Drones in an exponential way.  The article below shows the results of what happens when any modern military fails to to take Drone usage seriously.

This article is a cautionary tale.

 The Threat Israel Didn't Foresee: Hezbollah's Growing Drone Power

by The Associated Press

BEIRUT (AP) — Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah Group launched one of its deepest strikes into Israel in mid-May, using an explosive drone that scored a direct hit on one of Israel’s most significant air force surveillance systems.

This and other successful drone attacks have given the Iranian-backed militant group another deadly option for an expected retaliation against Israel for its airstrike in Beirut last month that killed top Hezbollah military commander Fouad Shukur

“It is a threat that has to be taken seriously,” Fabian Hinz, a research fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, said of Hezbollah's drone capability.

To Read The Rest Of This Article, Click The Link Below


Max Velocity Fitness Test Follow-Up

So, as I expected, virtually none of you guys who read the Blog Post with both a a video link and a written description of this basic fitness test chose to get back to me, even anonymously in the comments section.  In fact only 2 blog followers got back to me about even trying it. One guy is currently on vacation and says he will get back to me after tries it when hes home. And I have no doubt that he will because I've known him for a long time and he's as good as his word. The second guy got back to me and said "No way am I trying this LOL!! " However he's almost as old as me and also has a pulmonary problem, so he gets a pass. 

As for the rest of you guys, Shame on You!!

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