Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday With Blackthorn -- A Brief Piece Of Wisdom From Tim Larkin *Plus* Some Political Humor

 On The Subject of Violence  from Tim Larkin Of Target Focus Training

I saw this in an email from Tim Larkin and thought I would share as such very simple, but not readily apparent, truths:


"Ever seen someone get stabbed?

It's not pretty.

Blood everywhere. Screaming. Chaos.

Most people freeze. They think, "How do I stop this?"

Wrong question...

The right question? "How do I shut him down before he can hurt me?"

Big difference.

Here's the truth...You can't prevent violence once it starts.

You can only do violence better than the other guy.

Scary thought right?

But here's the good news...

You can prevent violence before it starts.


1. Don't be there. Best defense? Good legs. Run. Seriously. No shame in it. See a sketchy situation? Walk away. Hear raised voices? Go the other way. Your ego isn't worth your life.

2. Be nice. Defuse. De-escalate. Give up that parking space. Let the jerk have the last word. Swallow your pride. It tastes better than blood. Remember... kind words cost nothing. Hospital bills? They're steep.

3. If shit hits the fan? Be ready to act. Hard. No half measures. No fancy moves. Just pure, brutal efficiency. Eyes, throat, legs. Shut them down. Fast. It's you or them... choose you.

Most people get this wrong. They try to look tough. Big mistake.

That scares away normal folks. But it attracts the real monsters.

Want to stay safe?

Focus on what happens before violence.

Use your words. Walk away. Run if you have to.

But if things go south? Be ready.

Not to block. Not to counter.

But to end it. Quick and dirty.

It's ugly. But it works.


Violence doesn't prevent violence.

It only stops the other guy from hurting you.

Political Humor Content For This Sunday

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