Friday, April 5, 2024

Mother Nature Messes With NYC As A 4.8 Magnitude Earthquake Hits

So I'm sitting here minding my business, sipping my morning coffee, and all of a sudden, a rumbling goes through the floor under my feet, and I'm like WTF????

I go over to the stairs to the basement, because the door was open and I knew my wife went downstairs do some laundry, to ask her what that was. She's sees me and says "did you feel that too?" She comes upstairs, and we already have the news on and they interrupt what they're reporting on, and they start talking about a 4.8 magnitude earthquake!!! A few minutes later the phone rings, and it's my wife's niece all amped up and asking if she felt that.

And now the news is reporting that there may be aftershocks.

Welcome to Friday morning everybody!

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