Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Workout Wednesday -- Do You Consider Your Endurance Level Of Fitness Adequate For Emergencies.

 Now I'm sure some of the people who read this blog really do exercise regularly and take care of yourselves. Then there are those of you may not be in the shape that you think you are. And finally there are those of you who would probably benefit from an eBook from Tom Furman called "You Can't Outrun A Donut".

Here's the link, and no, I don't get a cut.

Now, on to today's suggestion for checking on your level of fitness.

There is a website  called Max Velocity Tactical. Max is a former military operator who trains average citizens in, well essentially, Small Unit Tactics.  Personally I can think of better ways to spend my time and money in terms of preparing myself for typical self defense scenarios, or an emergency situations like  storms, floods, hurricanes, wildfires, chemical spills, injuries from accidents, etc. 

But, to each his own.

Now if you want to go get training at  the MVT school, you need to prove that you have a minimal level of fitness, considering that the curriculum revolves around military style Light Infantry tactics in the field. This involves a simple 6 minute exercise that using a couple of calisthenics movements, and carrying some moderate weights for  short distances, for 4 circuits in 6 minutes.

I'm putting the Video up below, and a link to the MVT page with a written description and rationale for this particular qualifier. Anyway, I hope you guys get something out of it.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Blackthorn Special Alert -- Data Breach At Ticketmaster

 A hacker calling himself Sp 1 Der breached the Ticketmaster servers and stole the data for 560 million Ticketmaster customers. Ticketmaster refused to pay the ransom money and as a result, the Hacker released the information of 1 million Ticketmaster customers on the Dark Web. 

The link below will take you to the Malwarebytes Webpage with the entire article. 

Fucking Ticketmaster couldn't care less about it's customers.