Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Why I Don't Buy High End Brand Name Knives Anymore



Back in July of 2008 I made my inaugural posts here at the Blog. One of the Posts was called "One Of My Hobbies".    

 It was about a small utility blade from TOPS knives called the ALRT . It came with a Kydex sheath, a small button battery powered Penlight, and a Carabiner. At the time I paid just $23.13 for it. Good little cutter, well made and easy to carry. Also very low profile.

While perusing some of my old posts today I came across it, and just for the hell of it, I decided to see if TOPS still made it. Turns out they do. 

And while I know it;s been 14 years, to say I was shocked would be an understatement.  Here's the link to the new model.   

To sum it up in a nutshell, the sheath is no longer Kydex, the Carabiner  has been replaced by a piece of paracord, and while the penlight has been replaced with an admittedly better LED mini flashlight,  the price has gone up to a ridiculous level for what you're getting.

The most amazing thing to me is the fact that it's currently Out Of Stock and Back-ordered.  

Then again, as the saying goes, There's A Sucker Born Every Minute.

I just refuse to be one of them.

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