Friday, February 15, 2019

Jogger Kills Mountain Lion in Colorado and BJJ Practitioners Try To Take Credit For Their Style

So a jogger in Colorado was running in a park and was attacked by a Mountain Lion. He managed to kill it despite being unarmed.

Original Article;

Somewhere it was reported that he had used BJJ, so of course the BJJ community start talking about the usefulness of BJJ for all sorts of self protection including against 4 legged predators. This was my favorite quote from the article below; "After all, one of the most famous moves in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the “Mata Leao” or “Lion Killer” strangle."

Article From BJJ Times website;

Okay, that above web article covered the fantasy. Now I know people who are realistic about the practical uses of JiuJitsu, but these guys have jumped the shark (or should I say lion) on this one. Maybe they should have waited on the facts so they could have put this one in context, which is what is what they always say to do if someone from another style touts the superiority of their methods.

Now for the reality, it turns out he killed the Mountain Lion by bashing it on the head with a rock to weaken it and then stepped on it's throat to suffocate it.

Interview with Jogger;

Hmmm.... Using a rock as an improvised weapon and then stomping on it's throat. Sounds like a Combatives mindset to me.

Refer to this previous Blog Post;

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