Sunday, August 12, 2018

The Impending Fall of The Social Media Giants.

First Mark Fuckerberg loses 119 Billiaon dollars in one day, a worlds record in the history ofmthe Stock Market. This is immediately followed by the fact that Facebook usage in the last 2 years has dropped from 8.5 billion daily page-views to 4.7 billion.

Twitter has suspended 70 million fake accounts which has brought the wrath of advertisers down on their heads as the advertisers start complaining that the have been paying ad rates to reach millions of Twitter users who don't really exist.

And now Youtube is under fire for fake page-views that again are pissing off advertisers who feel that they've been ripped off. Not to mention how some uploaded videos have only gone viral because somebody paid a tech-nerd to put all the robot page hits on the video page.

These fucking Social Media pages rose to prominence, took in hundreds of Billions of dollars, have turned people into digital zombies, have fucked with the news cycle, and incited more shitstorms than Global Warming is supposedly responsible for.

But their greed and arrogance are about to hit them where it hurts. Right in the pocketbooks as teenagers abandon them daily and move on to the next big thing.

Fuck em' all, I won't miss them.

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