Sunday, January 30, 2022

Sunday With Blackthorn - Today We Discuss The Beretta 1301 Semi-Auto Shotgun

 I'm not the greatest fan of Semi-Auto shotguns for Self Defense. As noted by the last shotgun Blog post I put up about The least Expensive (Cheapest) Semi-Auto  Shotgun In The World. 


If you are thinking about buying one, these days, you're two best options are from either Beretta or Benelli.  Which is pretty much the same thing   seeing as  Beretta owns Benelli, along with about 3 or 4 other shotgun companies. In any event, today we'll take a look at the Beretta 1301.



Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Democratic Follies Of Jan 2022!!

Let's start off with Old Uncle Joe. Apparently it's Okay with him if Putin sends, say only  25,000 troops or so into the Ukraine, instead of the 175,000 that he has massed on the border:

Then we have all the success with Gun Control policies in Democrat controlled major cities: 


And finally, more fun in NYC with the new Manhattan D.A. 

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Sunday With Blackthorn - Paul Harrell On "Why Shotguns Don't Suck For Home Defense"

 This video from the highly practical and always cynically droll Mr. Harrell was a response to a video made by a SWAT Cop  about how Shotguns are no good for home defense. As usual his response to the bullshit spouted by this  "Tacticool Operator" is  as incisively cutting as always when he is forced to respond to some pompous asshat.



Friday, January 14, 2022

"The New Reality" A Brief Discussion From Ken Hackathorn

 More than a bit depressing, but something that can't be ignored these days.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Sunday With Blackthorn - Today We Discuss The Cheapest Semi-Auto 12Gauge Shotgun On The Market

 And whether or not you would want to buy it.

And the answer will become painfully clear before you get to the end of the video.

But the video is still entertaining to watch in a train-wreck sort of way.

This video was put up at the forum and viewed by some of you, so you know what's coming. For the rest of you, grab a drink, put out a snack and sit back from your computer monitor because I will not be responsible for any food/drink debris that winds up on your screen.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Sunday With Blackthorn - Today We Discuss How To Assemble A DIY Home Defense Shotgun

 Thanks to all the panic buying caused by the rioting in 2020 and the rise in crime in 2021, people who had previously never owned a gun have cleaned out the gun dealerships, and created a long waiting list at the manufacturers plants. The Handguns went first, then all the "Tacticool" rifles. 

So of course then, everybody went for the shotguns.

First the purpose designed defensive models sold out, then the sporting models, and finally the Name Brand used ones all but vanished from the shelves.

What to do, what to do?

Well, here you are. Now the most likely solution depends on 2 (or possibly 3) things. Firstly being able to find a used, good condition Shotgun at a reasonable price. Secondly, some Do-It-Youself skills with common hand/power tools. Or Thirdly, if you lack the aforementioned skills, the willingness to spend some money on having your local gun dealer refer you to a competent Gunsmith.

Well actually, there is a 4th option. ie: You already own a Sporting Shotgun, but that 28" Duck barrel is just a wee bit too long for in-house usage. Accordingly, you may skip step 1 and immediately move on to step 2 or 3.

Now, having laid out the problem, and the possible solutions, I will now turn you over to Chris Baker from Lucky Gunner Ammo, and his Video Tutorial.

Saturday, January 1, 2022